Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Out Birding

I'm making a quick leap from my summer adventure memoirs to a day in autumn when hubby and I took a short trip to a place where we usually look for waders. Some fellow birders here have been reporting about the herons that visited that area, and which I was dying to see since I've never seen them firsthand in my life. 

Friday, Sept. 28 

After my work in the afternoon, we set off to a shore called Lillskärsudden, just about 30-min. ride from our city. I had no expectations to see the herons since they would appear and suddenly disappear, but thought somehow that there would be other birds feeding there. And if we couldn't see any waders, then there was still that option to photograph the heightening fall colors in this beautiful surrounding.

"Expectation postponed makes the heart sick, But a desire realized is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12) A "desire realized" turned out to be my portion!

The herons were there, a couple of them, the first things that met our eyes! They stayed too far, but with hubby's scope and my camera's zoom lens, we could see them clearly, though my captures are not so sharp and clear due to poor lighting as the sun was beginning to sink. But I was overjoyed to see them! I even kept singing the Colors of the Wind ..."The heron and the otter are my friends....And we are all connected to each other....."

As a bonus, we also spotted other waders feeding offshore on a dry seabed during an ebb tide, though they warily stayed away from the shore.

"In order to see birds it is necessary to become a part of the silence."
-Robert Lynd

Satisfied, we left the area and started to drive home, dropping by some sites along the way which we used to visit, and took a cursory glance at their autumnal displays. And to snap a few shots, of course!

This is all about this afternoon's birding pursuit which I couldn't help putting on record. It was a day of immersing ourselves in the depth of nature and then emerging revitalized. The experience left me feeling rewarded and grateful. It was a wonderful end of the day.

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