Monday, August 10, 2015

Busy Days of Summer

So busy that there's not much time to write and post about things and memories I've been wanting to store in this cyberhome. For now, I'm just scribbling a few things in this stream of summertime before getting down to an account of an impressive journey that we have had recently.

Now that all our summer holidays are over, we're back to the normal routine of life - secular job, ministering to peoples' spiritual needs, daily walks for a healthy body, household chores and some small leisure activities.

Since summer is short and the bright days (and nights) will soon be replaced by darkness again, we take advantage of this season by making the most of it, cramming the days with activities that are not possible on other seasons.

These are days to tend to our little flower bed in our back porch and make it pleasant-looking. Our summer perennials have started to bloom.

We also added a collection of different aromatic herbs planted closely in long boxes.

The potted cocktail tomatoes are a source of delight as we watch the gradual growth and  ripening of their fruits.

We also cultivated red sunflowers in pots, along with ornamental wild strawberries planted at their bases. The sunflowers are starting to bloom now and the wild strawberries have been yielding little berries.

Berry-picking is also a joyful activitty during the season.


Wild strawberries (smultron in Swedish)

Cloudberry (hjortron in Swedish)

Sometimes, we had supper at our veranda, with grilled chicken or pork and vegetable salads.

And, of course, my hands are also busy with the camera, capturing astronomical summer and travel images.

These are some of my simple pleasures this summer which deserve a space in my treasure box of beautiful memories.

There's a lot more to do during the remaining days of summer, but I'm glad I got this chance to jot down a little about what's going on these days. And I wish I could keep up my blogs with the season. I'll try to make that wish come true.

Have a beautiful week!

Linking up with

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