Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Late Goodbye

Funny that I haven't officially said goodbye to fall yet when winter has already taken over. Funnier still that I insist on saying goodbye to a season that has already left this corner of the planet. But my sentimental self has that  irresistible urge  to eulogize the faded beauty of a season gone by.

So I'm going to wheel back over a month ago when autumn was beginning to shed off its gilded glory. Or maybe even before that, at that point where I left off in my previous fall blog, Autumn in Full Blast. Some trees turned colors much later than the others, while their predecessors had completely lost their foliage. I'll let the photos tell the story of the fading season.

Who is not bedazzled by a thick carpet of golden leaves? They're just so exquisite!

The autumn berries and other ornamental fruits

City landmark vistas in autumn

Autumnal skies

Snow dusting and frosts

The cranes flying south

Lighting up the dark late autumn days

In this time period, we had our company's annual gathering, with dinner and games, held at a restaurant along the city river. Our team won the game and received this sparkling wine as a prize, which we shared to those who could drink. (Drinking and driving is prohibited here, so they could unfortunately not partake of this drink.)

AND....I neglected to blog about November 27, which marked my exact five years of staying in this country, which has become my endeared new home. My feet are now firmly rooted here.

This is actually my sixth winter now, and I'm glad to say that I've enjoyed each and every winter that I have experienced as much as I've taken pleasure in all the other seasons of the year.

Now, even if it's late, this season that has always warmed my heart still merits a parting tribute. It has been charming just like all the past ones I've seen. 

More events that took place and I've photographically preserved within this time frame can be read in these blogs:

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