Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Misfortunes and Compensation

Our backpacks were all set. It was only to pick and go. We decided to travel as bona fide backpackers this time. That was the night before the big day, October 7, the day I had been waiting for since the onset of summer. It would be our real holiday far down in the south of Europe. Hubby found this incredibly cheap flight to Barcelona, Spain, and we booked it without hesitance. Finally, our chance came after all those events that got in our way to carry out our yearly out-of-the-country vacation. The timing had never been so favorable, as I have a one-month work leave, and the flight and other holiday expenses fit within our budget.

I was so excited, my wanderlust skipping about. And then, without warning, hubby felt so bad he had to go to the health center for check-up that same night. Things went from bad to worse. He was run to the emergency room at the hospital, was diagnosed as having an extremely high blood sugar,  and ended up being confined there for a thorough check-up to find out which dose he needs for his diabetes. 

Undoubtedly, all travel plans have been brushed aside, though we didn't have the chance to notify the flight company and the booked hotel room for cancellation. That would be tackled later.

That night when he was admitted to the hospital, I slept alone at home. I had difficulty sleeping on account of this turn of events galloping wildly in my head.  Surprisingly, I was able to take things cool, knowing for sure that hubby was being well-taken care of. 

The dropping of our holiday plans didn't give me a prick at all. On the contrary, I felt relieved. What if we were there, and hubby would suddenly feel ill? How on earth would I deal with this in a foreign land? 

On another note, this very week looks like the most colorful and vibrant autumn period in our city. It would be more regrettable to miss all these blazing colors and come back to find most trees already bare. So there's no sense fretting about the other loss. 

That Monday, Oct. 7, I went to visit hubby in the hospital and learned about his health progress. So far, so good. He was in good hands. All would be fine, it's only to wait. 

When it was time for him to rest, I left his bedside and set about walking around to soak in all the fantastic colors. The day was fortunately bright and sunny, such as one of those awesome autumn days. I fished my camera out of my backpack and started to shoot tons of pictures from different angles. Just the hospital's environs offered sights that are de-stressing and truly panacean, from the neighboring hotel to the university campus.

When I reached the university, I went up to the office of a good friend who works at the administration department and paid her a visit. She treated me with lunch and we ate in her office. She's my "big sister" in this country. We spent quite some time together speaking about many things. She comforted me for my present predicament.

When we parted, I proceeded to the center to buy something. I dropped by the park in the middle of the city to feast my eyes on the colors and, of course, to look for something great to photograph.

All "missions" done, I started for home, my spirits soaring high for the marvelous gifts of nature that our Creator bestowed upon us out of his superlative love and goodness. 

Everything said and done, my misfortunes were dwarfed by the fineness of the day. I didn't need to ask for a better compensation.

Today, hubby is home and in better shape. And there will come more travel opportunities later. All is well and good.