Thursday, August 8, 2013

Already August?

The months have been marching so fast that I hardly noticed that August had come. I still have a line-up of recordable memories in the past months that are waiting to be written. I've been working a lot lately, both secularly and humanely, which left me little time to write (sigh). But I must come to terms with it, always remembering that first things must come first. Everything will fall into place anyway, one day at a time, sooner or later.

In the midst of all my activities, I'm still enjoying this season despite being restricted by some circumstances. It's still high summer, and I'm sizzling in the heat of the sun, which has become more intense recently. I'm literally bathing in my own sweat while working, which sometimes makes me yearn for the cold, cold winter. But let it come in its own time too. Summer is still here to stay and I must make the most of it. I haven't been to any long-distance trips yet like in the previous years, but I'm hoping to have at least one real holiday far away before winter comes.

The nights are getting darker and the street lamps are bursting out in floodlight after "hibernating" during the bright summer nights. Still, the sun goes down at past 9:00 p.m.

So August is racing fast too, and I hope I can chronicle my brief travels "nearby" and some significant thoughts that linger on my mind before this month closes. But I'll do it in my stride, as usual.

For now, this is all I can jot down. I still have some things to get done this evening. Maybe I could write another blog later tonight or tomorrow. Who knows?